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R e c o r d i n g   S t u d i o  C o a c h


Erin has recorded multiple demos and singles with live musicians, and 2 full studio albums, one recorded with live orchestra, and one of all-original music with ViVA Trio. She has even sung "live recordings" and "live performance recordings," a recording done in one-take either in-studio or in live performance. She knows her way around a recording studio, and the psychology and preparation that produces your best recording.


Erin guides her students how to prepare for recording sessions, and she can coach you in the studio to get your best vocal takes. Studio time is expensive and precious, and your goal is to get amazing takes the first session, so you don't have to pay to re-record.


Erin has worked with singers in every genre from jazz, pop and musical theatre to rock, rap and R&B. She has sung jazz, pop, musical theatre, opera, classical and crossover music professionally for over 20 years, and can assist you to add finesse to a song that will make you shine in whatever genre you sing.


Sometimes it's impossible to reschedule a recording, and you have to record sick. It's never ideal, but there are ways to make it easier on yourself. Erin has recorded and performed and recorded both healthy and sick, and has a wealth of wisdom to pass on on this topic to make sure you sound at your best!


Your music acts as your business card, and people will make quick decisions about you based on your recordings, whether to hire you or not. Your recorded music is your audition for gigs, your application for awards, and an absolute essential in today's music scene. Make sure you get your best quality product as your reputation and success is staked on it.


Recording you are under pressure to bring your A-Game every take,
and capture your best performance.
I aim to help you to capture your best vocals and allow you the vocal freedom to be able to make changes on the fly.

- Erin Fisher



It's time to Reveal Your Song!



Contact for more information


 text:  647.309.0041






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