A r t i s t M e n t o r s h i p / C o a c h i n g

Whether you are just beginning your journey as a performer, or are wanting help getting to the next steps as an artist, Erin can help to guide you, inspire you, motivate you and give you strategies, insider info and tools to get you moving in the right direction. Music is one of those careers where no one teaches you how to get from practicing in the studio to performing to paying audience members. Erin has lived this. She has performed hundreds of concerts locally in Toronto, across Canada, in the USA and in Europe. Agents, Managers, PR agents, press, social media, interviews, grant applications, website development, brand development, marketing, on and on and on the list goes!
There is so much to focus on, and often not enough time to do it all! Erin has been a working artist and performer for 20 years. She has been very hands on with a do-it-yourself attitude, which has taught her how to prioritize goals, know what is important and what is not essential. Erin can help you proof work, be another pair of ears or eyes, give you un-biased real feedback, artist to artist, and help you make real changes.
Erin will help you to think bigger, and own yourself as an artist. She will help you truly become your artist identity. She will help you align your artistic dreams with your business goals. Erin will be your cheerleader, a guide, will help you tackle projects and give constructive, honest feedback.
Erin has helped motivate artists who just needed that push. She has helped get new artists motivated in taking action on their goals. She has helped artists get agents, and help set them up with the agency. Erin has helped create websites for her artists, and edit or create resumes, CVs, and bios for her students.
Along with all of her experience as an artist, for her group, ViVA Trio, Erin was also the main press and grant writer; she wrote numerous press releases and related marketing copy, newsletters and more and secured four successful major grants (out of 6 applied to). She managed their website and EPK, along with live streaming concert sites.
This Artist Mentor Coaching, or business coaching, as Erin also calls it, is apart of her daily teaching routine now. If you need a boost, or a push or guidance on the next steps to take, Erin looks forward to helping elevate your career!

Whatever your dreams are, I am excited to help you in whatever ways I can to bring you closer to that vision.
Let's turn your dreams into goals.
- Erin Fisher
It's time to Reveal Your Song!
Contact for more information
text: 647.309.0041
email: erin.fisher@me.com