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RCM Technical Preparation
Voice Level 2
RCM Voice - Level 2 - Technical Component
Technical Tests | Intervals | Chords | Clapback | Singback
These are tracks to assist in the preparation for your upcoming exam. Please listen and work with each of the tracks below to learn, understand and master these musical skills.
Technical Tests
RCM2 - Major Triad with Descending ScaleErin Fisher
00:00 / 02:49
RCM2 - minor Triad with Descending ScaleErin Fisher
00:00 / 02:14
RCM2 - Major Arpeggio (F#5 - A5)Erin Fisher
00:00 / 01:35
RCM2 - Scales Preparation QuizErin Fisher
00:00 / 05:46
RCM2 - minor Arpeggio (F#5 - A4)Erin Fisher
00:00 / 01:52
RCM2 - Exercise in 3rds (E5 - A4)Erin Fisher
00:00 / 02:05
Sung Intervals
Interval Practice - minor 3rd Ascending Erin Fisher
00:00 / 03:13
Interval Practice - minor 3rd DescendingErin Fisher
00:00 / 02:11
Interval Practice - minor 3rd DescendingErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:59
Interval Practice - Perfect 5th AscendinErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:10
Interval Practice - Perfect 5th AscendinErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:59
Interval Practice - Perfect 5th DescendiErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:52
Interval Practice - Major 3rd Ascending Erin Fisher
00:00 / 03:10
Interval Practice - Perfect 5th DescendiErin Fisher
00:00 / 00:37
Interval Exam Quiz Grade 2Erin Fisher
00:00 / 02:54
Identify Played Intervals
RCM1-4- Chords (+ -) no answersErin Fisher
00:00 / 04:20
RCM1-4- Chords (+ -) with answersErin Fisher
00:00 / 04:26
RCM1-4- Chords (+ -) with answersErin Fisher
00:00 / 04:26
RCM1-4- Chords (+ -) with answersErin Fisher
00:00 / 04:26
Sight Singing Resources
I use these books as resources for my students for Sight Singing practice. As this is truly a different skill altogether (though related to intervals and rhythm of course), I believe this should be taught by a teacher 1 on 1 or using a system designed specifically for the purpose of learning sight singing.
Here's a link to Sight Singing for Success:

RCM Voice - Level 2 - Repertoire
List A | List B
The following are songs in the Level 2 Repertoire Lists that I have recorded for you to practice singing along with. This will give you an idea of those particular songs to decide if you like them, and also can be used as a practice tool.
LIST A Songs
RCMV2 - To the SkyErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:57
RCMV2 - Coraggio, ben mioErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:29
RCMV2 - All through the nightErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:45
RCMV2 - Song of the Boats (melody playedErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:00
RCMV2 - Song of the Boats (sung)Erin Fisher
00:00 / 01:00
LIST B Songs
RCMV2 - On the Back of an EagleErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:57
RCMV2- Ed The Invisible DragonErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:59
RCMV2 - Butterfly (sung)Erin Fisher
00:00 / 01:28
RCMV2 - Butterfly (melody played)Erin Fisher
00:00 / 01:28
RCMV2 - At the SeasideErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:07
LIST C Songs
Castle on a Cloud - slower speed - editeErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:42
Disney - A Dream is a Wish Your Heart MaErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:13
Edelweiss - MelodyErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:09
Disney - Spoonful of Sugar (piano only mErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:23
Disney - Spoonful of sugar- piano accompErin Fisher
00:00 / 01:34
Disney - Spoonful of Sugar (sung melody)Erin Fisher
00:00 / 01:29
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